Andy’s Insights: Quarterbacks in the spotlight for Penn State at Iowa

Look for night game at Kinnick Stadium to be decided by either Sean Clifford or Nate Stanley University of Iowa’s Kinnick Stadium for a night game is one of those atmospheres every college football fans should put on their bucket list. You have the pink lockerrooms for the visitors, the fans are right on top of the players with very little room on the sidelines and it is so loud…


Ask Greg: Preparing For Iowa, 50-Win Milestone, Sean Clifford

Greg takes your questions on preparing for Iowa, Franklin reaching the 50-win milestone, Sean Clifford over/under 31 wins and more! A winner for the best question is selected each week and will receive a free bottle of 409 Tailgate Club wine! To submit your question to Greg and a chance to win a bottle of 409 Tailgate Club wine use the “Ask Greg” tab in the Keystone Sports app! Download…


Andy’s Insights: How you respond matters

Sutherland, coach Franklin respond to a personal attack on a player and the Nittany Lions program If you have not read the narrow, short-sighted and shallow letter penned by Penn State alum Dave Petersen and sent to Nittany Lions junior safety Jonathan Sutherland, do yourself a favor and go find it online and give a read. Mr. Petersen has a right to his opinion. But this was personal and he…