Andy’s Insights: Penn State defense in the spotlight against Indiana

Hoosiers are confident, ranked for the first time in 25 years and own the firepower to test PSU defense Winning breeds confidence and belief in a team and for the second consecutive week Penn State will play a team that is comfortable in its own skin. Indiana pays a visit to Beaver Stadium ranked for the first time in 25 years, playing its very best football right now and dragging…


Ask Ross: Defensive Pass Rush, Struggling Secondary, Moving Forward From A Loss

Ask Ross is brought to you by, tailgate with honor! Ross answers your questions on getting more pressure on a quick passing game, PSU’s struggling secondary, moving forward from a loss and more! To submit your question to Ross and a chance to win a 409 Tailgate Club gift box use the “ask ross” tab in the Keystone Sports app! Download KSN Podcast: Ask Ross