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Shaun’s Take 03-25-25
Shaun’s Take Shaun Gold and Jim Galanti begin a new podcast on The Keystone Sports Network called Shaun’s Take” This week we take a look at the NCAA tourney and the career of boxer George Foreman
Shaun’s Take 03-12-25
Shaun’s Take Shaun Gold and Jim Galanti begin a new podcast on The Keystone Sports Network called Shaun’s Take” This week we take a look at the QB shuffle that took place in the first week of NFL free agency.
Shaun’s Take 03-07-25
Shaun’s Take Shaun Gold and Jim Galanti begin a new podcast on The Keystone Sports Network called Shaun’s Take” This show gives us the opportunity to explore all aspects of the sports world. We are not confining ourselves to just Penn State and the college football world. We hope you enjoy the show. If you have any thoughts, good or bad, please send me your thoughts at info@ksnsports.net
We Visit with Mike Villagrana Exec Director of HVU
We are joined on the show by Mike Villagrana, new Executive Director of Happy Valley United, the Penn State collective.